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How To Gain Instant Access To
Hard-To-Reach Producers Looking For
Stories To Turn Into Movies & TV Shows

If you’ve got a great book or a story to tell and you’ve been told your plot and characters would make for a great movie, TV show or web series…
And you believe that if you only had the chance to pitch your idea to someone that mattered, that it could get made…
But you don’t have an agent, manager, big-time publisher, or any entertainment relationships of your own….
Keep reading because I’m going to tell you how to get your story in front of the people that matter, so you have a fighting chance at making your project come alive...

My Team And I Have Helped Hundreds
Of Creators Like You Land One-On-One Meetings
With Producers And Adapt Their Story
For The Screen
Using a simple, instant method to gain access and valuable information without having any previous experience or relationships (and without having to live in Los Angeles).
Many of these creators and storytellers have gone on to get offers and contracts and are in the process of having their projects shopped to buyers or made.
Until now, this method was reserved only for select creators and by application only. And while we’ve endeavored to make it as affordable as possible, it’s continued to be out of reach for many.
But in an effort to support as many creators as possible in hopes that we find that hidden diamond in the rough, we've decided to extend this opportunity to ALL by doing away with the application phase…
In hopes that we find that hidden diamond in the rough.
I'll explain why in a minute, but first, I'd like to let you in on...

The Unfair Advantage
Successful Creators And
Storytellers Have...
Traditionally, only bestselling authors or creators with a reputation, an agent and connections are able to bring their stories to Hollywood Producers…
My team and I have worked for over a decade with top creators and A-list filmmakers from around the world to get their stories produced…
You’ve probably heard of some of the projects we’ve worked on:

So over the years I’ve noticed that most of these creators and projects all have one or more of the following:
- A publisher
- A bestseller
- An agent
- Someone in the industry who is willing to help
But if you’re new to the industry…

How Do You Get Your Story
Through The Door Without
Relationships And A Track Record?
It’s no secret that most producers aren’t willing to consider the story of an agentless creator without a track record that they don’t know…
And without a track record, it’s nearly impossible to get your project into the hands of an agent who can help… It’s an age-old catch 22 in Hollywood….
Having quality relationships is the backbone of finding success in Hollywood…
You see, old Hollywood is like a club with a very select membership and you need to know the right people to get access…
And real relationships take years to develop…
But if you’re like most creators, you don’t like networking and aren’t even in LA to do what’s necessary to “break in”…
So you end up writing query letter after query letter that end up in the trash and go nowhere…
Or making cold calls to assistants who stop you in your tracks before you’re even able to get a few words out, let alone pass your call on to the people that matter…
It can be very difficult (and demoralizing) when…
There’s no one in your corner helping you figure out the “password and secret handshake” that gets you in the door…
…And that’s exactly why most creators end up getting stuck, fed up, and calling it quits before their book ever gets into the hands of a producer.
But it doesn’t have to be this way…

Pitch a Producer
Pitch To & Get An Actionable Plan
From Hard-to-Reach Producers,
Without An Agent, Bestseller, Or ‘Friends’ In the Biz
I'm opening up my Pitch a Producer program to anyone with a story, idea, or completed novel...
To give you a real shot at breaking your story into a legitimate market.
...all without an application.
Pitch a Producer enables you to pitch your concept or outline to a producer one-on-one, find out if they’re interested in supporting you, and get actionable strategies that you can implement immediately to adapt your story for the screen and attract buyers to your film & TV rights.
Here are a few of the projects from other emerging creators/storytellers that have gone from their first pitch session to being picked up by producers who are making them into movies, TV shows and web series:

So you can see why pitching directly to real producers AND getting their direct and actionable insights is…

The Definitive Method Creators Like You Use
To Fast Track Their Projects To Getting Made
As I’m sure you’ve experienced first hand (or at least heard stories)…
“We don’t receive unsolicited submissions” is unfortunately the most common retort from an assistant fielding calls for a top producer in Hollywood.
Instead of constant and painful rejection, imagine being ushered swiftly through the door and into a meeting with a producer who knows how to get your project adapted and sold in Hollywood...
And benefiting from the strategies and methods they use on a daily basis…
Things like:
- Determine the market – film, TV or web – your story is best suited for
- The best and most creative adaptation ideas for how to convert your story to the screen
- An actionable step-by-step roadmap for your project and career
- How to pitch your idea to increase your probability of buyers saying “Yes”
Not only do I want you to see and learn how we’d handle your project, but I also want to give you…

Full Permission To Use
These Same Strategies Yourself
Can you imagine how much more likely you are to successfully get your project off the ground by being able to access the most effective strategies and tools used by Hollywood pros day in and day out… instead of having to figure it all out yourself through years of trial and error?
How much time you would save?
How much pain & suffering you would avoid?
Well...this is just one of the several career-defining benefits you get as part of Pitch a Producer.
Here's the full picture of...
The Benefits Of
Pitch a Producer

Benefit #1
Select A Producer In Your Market & Genre
To Pitch In A 1-Hour One-on-One
Phone Conversation
Review our producers' credits below and select your best fit. Once you register for Pitch a Producer, you'll be able to request this producer for your 1-on-1 session.
During this call with your producer, you will have the opportunity to pitch your project to him/her from the comfort of your own home. No agent needed!

Benefit #2
Story Strengths And
Weaknesses Assessment
(And What To Do About It)
Oftentimes, it is extremely difficult to look at one’s own work with an objective eye…
You have lived with your creative for years, which means you’d probably find it difficult to take a step back and view what works and what doesn’t from the point of view of a movie, TV show, or web series.
Our producers work in the market every day, and know the ins and outs of what buyers are purchasing and why. So they can look at your story and advise you objectively and from a credible market point of view…
You can use this advice to not only improve your shot in entertainment, but to also improve your book or script (if you have one) and make it more marketable to publishers and readers.

Benefit #3
A Step-By-Step Roadmap For
How To Adapt Your Story And
Bring It To The Hollywood Market
During your phone call, your producer will assess the marketability of your project and the format it is best suited for.
Once that’s determined, they can show you how that market works, and the strategic steps you’d need to take in order to persuade buyers to champion your project and get it made…
Things like…Does it need a treatment or a script? Will it be a good idea to bring on actors and directors before selling the rights? How do you maximize the money you get from a deal and stay involved?
This information will be laid out by your producer during your call, then you will receive a detailed, 3-4 page, easy to read Development Roadmap to reference back to anytime in the future.

Benefit #4
The Possibility Of A
Very Big Break
Our producers are always on the hunt for the next best story they can make into a movie, TV show, or web series.
While remote, depending on the state of your story and how far along it is on its adaptation timeline, your producer (through Voyage) might offer to jump on board and produce the project himself or herself!
As you can imagine, my team of hard-to-reach producers charge big money for their time and attention, sometimes as high as $1000.00 per hour or more. But not today, during Pitch a Producer.
Before I get to the fee, let me tell you about some free stuff I’m going to give you…
Register Now And You Also
Get 4 Bonuses Free
(Worth Over $700)

Bonus #1
Free 1-on-1 Session With A Member of
Voyage's Project Acquisitions Team ($350 FREE)
After your pitch with the producer, you will meet privately with a member of the Acquisitions Team to discuss your path to becoming a Voyage Original.
During your 20-minute phone meeting, you will discuss:
- Voyage’s interest in producing your project
- Innovative strategies we use to get projects made, that can also support your goals
- A brand new model specifically designed for emerging storytellers that enable you to maximize your project’s potential in the market, increase your revenue, and that ensure you’ll stay creatively involved in the project and influence its outcome… all the way from concept to screen
- Qualified storytellers will go on to discussing this plan with Voyage founder, Nat Mundel

Bonus #2
"Making The Power Move From Amateur To Pro"
Video Training Course ($297 FREE)
This training course taught by me and my team of seasoned producers and Hollywood execs from HBO, Alcon Entertainment, Wes Craven, the Weinstein’s Dimension Films and others spell out how to jumpstart a successful career as a creator in Hollywood.
In this course, you will get:
- 4 hours of video featuring high powered executives
- Honest insights about what it takes to get the attention of a producer
- Learn how to build a reputation
- Advice for how to get your material noticed

Bonus #3
Access To Our Ask A Producer Anything
Program for 3 Months ($30 FREE)
Our “Ask A Producer Anything” membership gives you access to high-level producers in a low-pressure, constructive, online environment to ask questions and get real-time feedback on your ideas, questions and concerns around becoming a successful creator in Hollywood.
- 2 times per month live 1-hour coaching
- Different perspectives and advice from a variety of high-powered producers
- Gain insights from answers to questions from other creators like you

Bonus #4
"The Secret Handshake"
ebook ($27 FREE)
I’m also giving you a copy of our acclaimed e-book, THE SECRET HANDSHAKE, over 100 pages of industry guidance from our elite producers.
- Learn the networking and sales techniques that separate the amateurs from the professionals
- Understand the new opportunities and avenues to success
- Learn how to build a reputation that can get you hired again and again

Register Now For
Pitch a Producer
Get 1-on-1 Access To A Producer
Plus The Valuable Bonuses
For $1101.00 Just $397
We are actively looking for new, great content and have made it as easy as possible for you to sign up!
Keep in mind that because our producers are extremely active in the entertainment industry, they have a limited amount of room in their schedules to hear pitches. We will operate on a first-come-first-serve basis so be sure to register now…

Here’s Why I’m Making This
Generous Offer

What Happens After I Register
For My Pitch a Producer?
- Immediately upon your registration, you will receive a receipt and an email from one of our coordinators with our contact information. Then later on the day of your purchase, you'll receive another email with all of your free bonuses as well as information about how to sign up with your producer.
- Once you receive the second email, you will head to our website to follow the steps of scheduling your 1-on-1 Pitch a Producer and bonus session with our Director of Project Acquisitions.
- Enjoy your pitch call and bonuses!

Hurry… I'm Not Sure How
Long This Offer Will Last
I'm not sure how long I'm going to offer Pitch a Producer and all the free bonuses for this special price.
Pitch a Producer is the absolute best value I have for an emerging creator and I think you’ll agree once you work with my team of producers.
They know what it takes to get your story through the door and made (because they’ve done it themselves!). And they’re here to walk you through the steps that need to be taken in order to find success for yourself.
Plus the Pitch a Producer is designed to make it EASY for you to commit to your future success:
There is no application process AND you’re saving over $700 when you register right now.
Don’t miss your opportunity to gain these bonuses and work 1-on-1 with a producer in your market.
Click the button below, fill out the simple 1-page form on the next page and you’re in!
I’m really looking forward to helping you gain success for your story and career!
Talk to you soon!

Here’s What Others Are Saying
"Voyage’s services are valuable, especially for people who are working outside of the Hollywood system who have something that has the potential to go big but can’t quite break in."
- Nick Rosen, Producer & Director, VALLEY UPRISING
"Voyage has been around the pond, they know people, and they have networks and connections. If you want to make it as a professional in this business, then these are the guys who can help you get there."
- Susannah Farrow, Writer & Producer
“Voyage gets projects DONE. Their actions speak much louder than the words of other, so-called industry insiders. I trust them to efficiently and effectively guide me on my journey toward becoming a professional."
- Ken White, Writer & Producer
“I’ve produced a television show for 25 years, so I know how to produce television, but I had no idea how to transform a book into a movie. If you’re looking to have your book adapted by a producer, you have to present your project in a way that works for producers. I’m blown away at the work Voyage has done that. Producers and the people that pull the trigger are busy and have very little time for details. Voyage has put my book into a format that I can present to anyone at anytime, and they’ll know in a couple of minutes if this is a project they want. And that’s the key to selling it.”
- Michael Fowlkes, Producer & Author, PERFECT BAIT
“Before I started working with Voyage, I thought they were going to tell me things I already knew. But after the first call, I realized they were on to something new and different. Voyage Media is in a league of their own.”
- Robert Hammond, Writer
Don’t Miss Out!

Frequently Asked Questions
In short, what is Pitch a Producer and what do I get?
Pitch a Producer is a program designed to help creators get in touch 1-on-1 with a producer in their market. I created it to make Hollywood more accessible to those without agents and connections to the industry.
I have done away with the usual application process where my team reviews the submissions we receive and only select a few participants into enter the program. I want to give everyone the chance to pitch their project to a producer of their choosing during this time.
With Pitch a Producer you’ll get:
- A 1-hour one-on-one phone call with the producer during which you will pitch your project
- The chance to gauge your producer’s market interest
- Develop an actionable roadmap for how to bring your project to market
- A 20-minute 1-on-1 bonus session with our Director of Project Acquisitions
- Our “Making The Power Move From Amateur to Pro” video training course
- Our eBook “The Secret Handshake”
- 3 months access to our Ask a Producer Anything program
- PLUS: a free bonus call with me, founder of Voyage.
That answers my question, sign me up.
Who is Pitch a Producer For/Who is it NOT for?
If you’re an emerging storyteller, getting started with a new project or you’re an author with a book (unpublished or published) or screenwriter with a script but haven’t had your big break, then Pitch a Producer is perfect for you.
If you have an agent and regularly land meetings with producers in your market, then Pitch a Producer probably isn’t for you. I designed this program to help the creators who don’t have agents and need an extra boost to get going in their project and career.
That answers my question, sign me up.
What's the catch?
There’s no catch!
The reason I’m making you this offer is because I want to find the diamond in the rough. And I also want to help you get results, so you’ll consider choosing us to be your producing mentors for the long term.
It’s my hope that after you’ve had a chance to see the incredible value of Pitch a Producer… and you see the results in your own life and work, you’ll become a part of our family of creators.
And who knows, maybe we’ll even bring your project to market!
That answers my question, sign me up.
What happens after I sign up?
After you register, one of our coordinators will immediately send you an email with your order receipt, bonuses, and details for how to submit your materials and begin the producer selection process.
That answers my question, sign me up.